Top Tips on Supplements

I have been interested in my health and those of my children for many years so eat healthily on the whole and have tried alternative therapies and supplements – some of which have been very helpful.

But the world of supplements is a maze of advertising and spin, so I found a recent article in New Scientist (30 Aug 2014) ‘Vitamins and Minerals from A to Zinc’  very welcome. It sorts out the good from the unnecessary or even dangerous.

You can overdose on Vitamin A and Iron so take only on Dr’s advice.

Nearly everyone in this country suffers from low Vitamin D (which is made in sunlight on the skin). Get out in the sunshine every day for 15 minutes and supplement with Vitamin D in the winter.

Fish oils get the green light as they contain Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) omega 3, 6 and 9 which are necessary for building heart ,brain and nerve tissue. Supplementation helps young and elderly people especially. You can get this through eating oily fish, or supplement with fish oils from Chemists  or from Igennus (mail order at

Igennus offer a discount of 25% on their products if you Quote ‘DYSPRAXIA 25.’ And we, as a Charity, benefit from a small commission for any sales they make through us. We encourage everyone with Dyspraxia to take a supplement of EFAs, unless they are eating 3 portions of oily fish every week. .

Glucosamine for arthritis said to help some people but is not proven to work for everyone, but can do no harm.

Folic acid is essential for pregnant women and Foetal development, and is obtained through green leafy vegetables, salmon and beans. Supplement are recommended pre conception and in early pregnancy.

Selenium is necessary for health but there is no clear research as to the benefits of supplementing the diet with it. Healthy intake can be covered by eating a few Brazil nuts a week.

B12 vitamin is found only in meat, eggs and dairy produce so vegetarians need to supplement with it.


Quickly take Vitamin C and Zinc to help shorten its length.

To see the complete article get New Scientist 30 Aug 2014.


The general advice is to eat 5 portions of fruit or vegetables a day including leafy greens. Have a daily source of protein like eggs, meat or oily fish. Use unprocessed grains like whole meal or brown rice. Avoid junk foods, sweetened drinks or added salt. Take Vitamin D in the winter and EFA’s all the year round unless you have a diet which is high in oily fish ( e.g. mackerel , sardines ,herring or Salmon)

Here’s to your healthier future!


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1 Response to Top Tips on Supplements

  1. Thanks for such great info am saving this for reference x

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